Your Name (2016) 480p
IMDb: 8.5/10 || Size: 337MB || Language: Hindi + English
Genres: Animation, Drama, Fantasy
Directed by: Makoto Shinkai
Writers: Makoto Shinkai, Makoto Shinkai
Stars Cast: Ryûnosuke Kamiki, Mone Kamishiraishi, Ryô Narita
High school girl Mitsuha lives in the town of Itomori in Japan’s mountainous Hida region. Bored, she wishes to be a handsome boy in her next life. She begins switching bodies intermittently with Taki, a high school boy in Tokyo, when they wake up. They communicate by leaving notes in Mitsuha’s notebook and memos on Taki’s phone, and sometimes by writing on each other’s skin. Mitsuha causes Taki to develop a relationship with his coworker Miki, while Taki causes Mitsuha to become popular in school.
Your Name (2016) BluRay 480p – File Size: 337MB
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